.NET applications are constructed by piecing together any number of assemblies. Simply put, an assembly is a versioned, self-describing binary file hosted by the CLR. Now, despite the fact that .NET assemblies have exactly the same file extensions (*.exe or *.dll) as previous Windows binaries (including legacy COM servers), they have very little in common with those files under the hood. Thus, to set the stage for the information to come, let’s consider some of the benefits provided by the assembly format.
As you have built your Console Applications over the previous chapters, it may have seemed that all of the applications’ functionality was contained within the executable assembly you were constructing. In reality, your applications were leveraging numerous types contained within the always accessible .NET code library, mscorlib.dll (recall that the C# compiler references mscorlib.dll automatically), and in the case of some examples, System.Windows.Forms.dll.
As you may know, a code library (also termed a class library) is a *.dll that contains types intended to be used by external applications. When you are creating executable assemblies, you will no doubt be leveraging numerous system-supplied and custom code libraries as you create your application. Do be aware, however, that a code library need not take a *.dll file extension. It is perfectly possible (although not very common) for an executable assembly to make use of types defined within an external executable file. In this light, a referenced *.exe can also be considered a code library.
Regardless of how a code library is packaged, the .NET platform allows you to reuse types in a language-independent manner. For example, you could create a code library in C# and reuse that library in any other .NET programming language. It is possible not only to allocate types across languages, but also to derive from them. A base class defined in C# could be extended by a class authored in Visual Basic. Interfaces defined in Pascal.NET can be implemented by structures defined in C#, and so forth. The point is that when you begin to break apart a single monolithic executable into numerous .NET assemblies, you achieve a language-neutral form of code reuse.
Recall that a type’s fully qualified name is composed by prefixing the type’s namespace (e.g., System) to its name (e.g., Console). Strictly speaking, however, the assembly in which a type resides further establishes a type’s identity. For example, if you have two uniquely named assemblies (say, MyCars.dll and YourCars.dll) that both define a namespace (CarLibrary) containing a class named SportsCar, they are considered unique types in the .NET universe.
.NET assemblies are assigned a four-part numerical version number of the form <major>.<minor>.<build>.<revision>. (If you do not explicitly provide a version number, the assembly is automatically assigned a version of, given the default Visual Studio project settings.) This number, in conjunction with an optional public key value, allows multiple versions of the same assembly to coexist in harmony on a single machine. Formally speaking, assemblies that provide public key information are termed strongly named. As you will see in this chapter, by using a strong name, the CLR is able to ensure that the correct version of an assembly is loaded on behalf of the calling client.
Assemblies are regarded as self-describing in part because they record every external assembly they must have access to in order to function correctly. Thus, if your assembly requires System.Windows.Forms.dll and System.Drawing.dll, this will be documented in the assembly’s manifest. Recall from Chapter 1 that a manifest is a blob of metadata that describes the assembly itself (name, version, required external assemblies, etc.).
In addition to manifest data, an assembly contains metadata that describes the composition (member names, implemented interfaces, base classes, constructors, and so forth) of every contained type. Because an assembly is documented in such detail, the CLR does not consult the Windows system registry to resolve its location (quite the radical departure from Microsoft’s legacy COM programming model). As you will discover during this chapter, the CLR makes use of an entirely new scheme to resolve the location of external code libraries.
Assemblies can be deployed as “private” or “shared.” Private assemblies reside in the same directory (or possibly a subdirectory) as the client application that uses them. Shared assemblies, on the other hand, are libraries intended to be consumed by numerous applications on a single machine and are deployed to a specific directory termed the global assembly cache, or GAC.
Regardless of how you deploy your assemblies, you are free to author XML-based configuration files. Using these configuration files, you can instruct the CLR to “probe” for assemblies at a specific location, load a specific version of a referenced assembly for a particular client, or consult an arbitrary directory on your local machine, your network location, or a web-based URL. You’ll learn a good deal more about XML configuration files throughout this chapter.